Recent content by CassyKay

  1. C

    Oral Cal MPK for sheep?

    Also, someone suggested Tums?
  2. C

    Oral Cal MPK for sheep?

    Can we use oral Cal MPK for sheep? If so what dosage?
  3. C

    Goat Buck’s beard chopped?

    Southern Alabama. We have a combo of open pasture and crop fields and woods.
  4. C

    Goat Buck’s beard chopped?

    That is the most concerning possibility honestly. We don’t have many neighbors, they are all 20-40+ acres away from us.
  5. C

    Goat Buck’s beard chopped?

    Any idea what kind of predator could possibly chop through a mature goat buck’s beard? Something happened about two nights ago, the livestock guardian dog has been upset, the buck is missing a very long thick beard, it looks chopped off, he has a small bald spot on his side where the hair looks...
  6. C

    Iron issues?

    We've been in contact with the vet for a while now. He told us to give safeguard once every three weeks, the B12 and iron once a week, and offer electrolytes. He expected this to work on the worms he found in the fecal check and told us to check their famacha score every three days expecting to...
  7. C

    Iron issues?

    So we've been struggling with lots of parasites in a few of our sheep. The vet confirmed we're dealing with barber pole and tapeworms. We're following his protocol for treating them, which includes giving an iron injection. Well, we've lost three sheep now, all of which had the iron injection...
  8. C

    Ewe lamb with runny eyes and loud breathing

    Pictures! You can see how watery her right eye is. This side of her face stays wet like this. She just had some grain which is why her face and nose are messy.
  9. C

    Ewe lamb with runny eyes and loud breathing

    Sorry things are crazy around here. Been dealing with coccidia in the turkeys, found another lamb with bottle jaw last night, and it's just been crazy. It's one of those seasons where all the animals throw a new challenge at us so we have to figure everything out again. :barnie Alright she's...
  10. C

    Ewe lamb with runny eyes and loud breathing

    Hey guys, we have a ewe lamb that's about 7 months old who has suddenly developed runny eyes and loud breathing. She has actually been in a dry lot for a few weeks with a couple other ewes while we treated them for worms and anemia. They are being weaned back onto grass now. Her eyes are not...
  11. C

    Sheep feed causing weakness and collapse?

    We're concerned that the sheep grain (dumor Lamb and Ewe) we have been feeding a few of our lambs and ewes is causing issues. Sometimes *as they are eating the grain* one will get suddenly weak, wobbly, and then find a corner to collapse in. Could this be toxins in the grain? Would that cause...
  12. C

    3 Month Old Lamb with Swollen Knees?

    Is it normal for infections picked up at birth to show up months later?
  13. C

    3 Month Old Lamb with Swollen Knees?

    We have sheep - dorpers and katahdins. It is one of our lambs that has the swollen knees. I do believe our sheep tested clear for CAE as I remember this was something we talked to the shepherd about when we bought the ewes. The vet did not mention it but we can ask about it and see if he...