Search results

  1. Nifty

    Kids and horses

    My kids have LOVED horses since they were little... seems like most kids do? Well, my daughter has a good friend that has a horse... and my daughter couldn't be happier about it! If you look closely, you can see the BYC sweatshirt she's wearing :love
  2. Nifty

    Checking-In On Herds - Post Here To Say Hello!

    We have such a wonderful community here at BYH, but we know life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our herd-loving-friends we haven't seen in a while. If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to! :) (if that's not you...
  3. Nifty

    Video: Pigs to Reclaim Raw Land

    I thought this was an interesting video on using pigs to Reclaim Raw Land
  4. Nifty

    New Reaction - Informative

    We've added a new "reaction" called Informative: Our hope is that this additional data-point will help our community "bubble-up" the most helpful and "informative" content and replies! NOTE: We want to encourage our members to be mindful of how they use this reaction. Please only use it for...
  5. Nifty

    BYC 2021-02-03 Update

    I'll be updating this post / thread with any info regarding the BYC upgrade / update :) Please keep this thread SPECIFICALLY to questions about the BYC Upgrade. General chat can go into other areas of BYHerds, for example, this general BYC chat...
  6. Nifty

    New Idea - Breed Focus Threads - Feedback Needed

    Hey amazing BYH members, we've got an idea we'd like to get your thoughts and feedback on! Sumi had worked on an AMAZING project on BYC called "Featured Breeds" where she created a thread for each breed of chicken with general informaion, links, and discussions. It's been a great resource over...
  7. Nifty

    BYC is updating, please chat here :)

    BYC is going through the same upgrade we did here a few months ago, but it's going to take a LOT longer. That being the case, I wanted to start a thread here where peeps could come get updates :)
  8. Nifty

    Interesting Horse shoeing with Formahoof - Epoxy?

    I saw this video and thought it was super interesting. I've never seen any shoeing like this before:
  9. Nifty

    New BackYardHerds Homepage

    You may have already noticed this change when you typed in, or went to your bookmark for :) Well, we've been working on this new homepage for a while and we're SUPER excited to launch it! What started out as a way to accommodate our awesome POW (Picture Of the Week)...
  10. Nifty

    Goat Weed Abatement Video

    I really liked this video: My fav part: The super-happy Great Pyrenees!!! :D
  11. Nifty

    BYH Forum Software Updated

    Tonight we'll be updating BYH to the newest version of the software. We don't expect more than an hour or two of downtime. We are planning to start the process around 10 pm PST.
  12. Nifty

    Remembering Sumi

    4/21/2020, A VERY sad update: We're very sorry to say that our beautiful friend and amazing soul Sumi passed away 3 pm Irish time. It was peaceful and pain free. As some of you may know, our beloved moderator Sumi went missing a few weeks ago. About a dozen of us were frantically working to...
  13. Nifty

    Jumpy Ads Issue - Fixed?

    We listen carefully to our members and visitors feedback and try to do all we can to accommodate as best we can. Advertising keeps our amazing website community alive and free. Without the ads, our site would die... it's that simple. That said, we definitely want to balance out user-experience...
  14. Nifty

    Advertising Updates - Golden Herd Membership - GHM

    Hey all! Over the last few years we've seen more and more site visitors move to browsing BYH on mobile devices. This comes with a lot of opportunities, but also challenges. One of the challenges is related to advertising. The design of ads on BYH was mostly based around desktop users. As our...
  15. Nifty

    New Feature - Upload Images Button

    There's been a LOT of confusion over this button: Well, we've made some changes and we'd like your help testing them out! Now when you click that button, you'll get this popup: This popup give you these options: Upload a File - Browse for a picture & upload it. It will be placed in the...
  16. Nifty

    Post Features You Like About This Software

    Please reply with the tools and features you like about this forum software. Also, please don't use this as a chat thread or post requests, or things you don't like... there are other places for that info. :) So, I'll start: I LOVE being able to copy an image to my "clipboard" on my computer...
  17. Nifty

    Help Needed: BYC Instruction Video Suggestions

    Ok peeps, I need your help in putting together a video tour / tutorial for the new BYC. Here are some of the things I definitely want to cover: Joining the site Accessing and editing a profile Basic browsing, sorting / filtering threads / search Creating a thread Replying to a thread Liking a...
  18. Nifty

    BYC Conversion Questions & Answers (During Conversion)

    This is where you can post questions and get answers about the BYC Conversion while we're going through the process. NOTE: All questions about the conversion (before the conversion) should be posted in this thread...
  19. Nifty

    BackYard Chickens Conversion Progress, Updates, & Discussion Thread

    This thread is for updates regarding the BYC conversion. Please subscribe (watch thread) to this thread if you want to be kept updated with official information: BYC is moving to a new server and software. The site will initially be down for a bit and then in "read only" mode for potentially...
  20. Nifty

    Trophies Galore?

    Sorry if you happened to get a bunch of trophies. We're making some updates More info about trophies here: Trophies