Desperately need help after lambing, overesting disease, 1st delivery moms

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
Kneel/squat down and put lamb or kid between your knees facing out away from you. Hold bottle with one hand, open mouth with other hand and stick nipple in, then hold mouth closed around nipple with palm under chin and thumb over top of muzzle. Baby will try to back away from the nipple, but it will just be backing into your body, and you can hold it with your knees. Squirt a little milk into mouth. Once baby realizes that there is milk in the nipple it will start to suck. If kids are weak you can add some Karo to the milk for extra energy and to make it sweet.
Thank you so much!
I haven't tried it yet but I came across exlarge nipple used to feed hamsters. It's soft & abt same size as her mouth. Just putting couple of different options together to try. Building creep feeder pen at moment for babies. Of course babies having hard time getting any much less enough feed, then I'll be able to bottle feed her & her brother & having our painting party too. Their always curious as to watch I'm doing. This time us no different. They mill around in my wagon, tool bags, pockets & anything else they decide to do. So...
Better get to it. I'm excited to try this!! Thanks again
Let u know how it goes! If I'm successful theirs 3 more younger that might get wise to what's going on too.

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
These 1st two Graycee & Lucy are of course where my profile name comes from. Won't anymore than pets for someone but sweet nevertheless. Next pr is Pebbles & Able ones I'm trying to bottle feed thats so tiny. 1 & half wks old. Next baby is lamb that got hung up on plant hook. She will only be a pet now if someone chooses to allow her to be. Everything she eats or drinks comes out her nose. She makes horrible noises & can't baa for mom anymore. After she eats it looks like pure green nasty infection coming out her nose but isn't. That's where I think there will be a problem someone might not take chance on. Last one is 1 wk old. Doesn't care about eating. Wants to sleep all time so she's not strong enough to nurse when she finally gets around to it. Moma is 1st time mom & has trouble coaxing her or helping her figure it out. So there u have it!! My current issues. Closer to transport time I want to introduce them all to people that help get them where they are now & beyond. Their really amazing themselves but their transformation also. So back to my creep feeder. Hope u enjoy pics!



Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
Good evening everyone,
I've been hoping & praying for the day to come & sheep would finally be on their way to better way of life. Finally...that day was today. Unfortunately in a manner I tried with everything within me to be carried out in best interests of first & foremost babies & moma's. It's really hard at this present time to post details of horrific circumstances that took place especially after I worked endlessly trying to ensure/ gauenrtee their safety & make it as less traumatic as i possibly could transporting them. Needless to say that is understatement to say the least. Definitely not my farewell image to remember them by. I will say this when whole ordeal isn't so fresh I'll kinda fill in blanks some. I won't know till they go through auction ring in morning which babies lived, injuries to others. Loading was exactly inch by inch what I planned. Headed up in to trailer following me with bucket. Out of nowhere came 2)7-8 mth old rams that were pen in back yard & had been over last 3 wks. Driver of transport went to side gate & let them out. They headed straight for group of momas, babies, pregnant, 1)ewe in heat. Rest is history u might say. 4) babies were crushed, 2) moma's crushed, 2)4 mth old kids trampled & I don't know how many others were hurt. Driver pinned rams inside same compartment with momas & babies & began to fight. Rams were literally standing on top of momas & babies that's how tight they were packed. He kept saying he would pack them so tight rams wouldn't & couldn't try to mount. Well....he was wrong about that entirely. At same time babies heads smashed into side of trailer, floor, each other, in between spaces in gates. I screamed & hollered told him to open gate he was killing babies when he opened gate babies that had their heads in between spaces of gates got their faces smashed, some more than others, against wall of trailer. I screamed at driver to grab rams by hand & tak them out completely. Turns out guy was clostophobic & freaked out. I climbed in trailer unmatched his gate pushed him outside grab each ram by a horn jersey as hard as I could jerk which sent them flying through air, try to get gate off babies faces which I couldn't remember how I done all of it at same time but did. So my heart hurts for them tonight! I so wish I was there to comfort them, doctor them, try to comfort them as much as I could. They trusted me to keep them from harm only to be part of what hurt them most. 1 costly mistake....
I have to live with that image as my send off to better way of life,
IF they live through the night. I can't imagine the pain their in. At same time have told auction people do not let that pain become inhumane. Put down any & all so they do not suffer. Never in my wildest imagine would I ever have believed something like this could happen much less to me. Ultimate gold has been achieved...getting sheep removed from abusive inviroment. tragically that removal cost some was life!! I can't even begin to describe the emotions I've been through today which I'm sure will be for a few more days to come.

I'll post another update after auction tomorrow with how everything finalized.

Good night.

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
Sorry with update delay....
I literally stayed in bed all day, I just couldn't hardly deal with it all.
Worse 2 days I think in my life. Theirs to im sure. Lost 2) momas, 5) out of the 3 sets of twins 2)moma's I couldn't tell if their hurt, mangled or broke bones. 3) more babies injuried but auction really couldn't elaborate on 1first time momas choked down so bad she can't take care of her baby. Not very many of those came through ring according to auction. They all sold but shouldn't had to endure brutal treatment . Having said that auctions aren't type of place animals are handled with kit gloves. It's a business. A hard business but no matter WHAT THE BUSINESS there's always room, or there should be, kindness & compassion to some degree especially since auction knew circumstances surrounding these sheep.
Unfortunately that all mighty dollar is first & foremost so feelings & emotions come on to play. All I can hope is that once they reached whatever their destination of buyers was they wer anle to recieve medical aid & allowed time to heal & settle into a safe place. Both i promised every since i brought them home.

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
I'm sorry for you and the animals. The transporter allowing rams in was major fault & cause for much. 😔😡.

You did way BEYOND to help them. Please try to put that time ahead of the losses. You cannot do everything. 🫂🫂
Thank you. I will. Regardless for the survivors I have to believe they are better off now than they were.

Tina's LucyGraycee

Overrun with beasties
Dec 26, 2023
Reaction score
Newark Texas
I’m so sorry. Putting rams in with flock was stupid. Was there no divider gate in the trailer? That guy was an idiot.

Auctions will not run obviously sick or terribly injured animals through the ring. There is always a vet there.
There was a devider gate. Guy just let rams out before momas & babies were loaded. Had he waited the devider gate would've been closed & rams would've never been mixed in. When rams exploded into middle of flock all of them scattered trampling babies which was beginning of bad situation that only got worse. Diaster I really should say. Truthfully if I had of had a gun I would have shot mean ram that sent more than 1 baby in air. I never felt so helpless. At this point their trust for me didn't exist. I was a threat too. I even walked this guy around to show him how I thought this was gona work. He agreed. Why in the world he took it upon himself to open that side gate is beyond me. He couldn't even tell me. But they did sell all of them even injuried. I didn't see 4 go through but they say they did so at this point I decided to leave things as they were. I didn't press issue of no they didn't run I was sitting in front row waiting on each of them. What's done is done. I have to let this go so I walked away even though I should've held auction transport accountable. They did guarantee their safety. I just couldn't bare to know truth or argue facts. It wouldn't have served any purpose in my opinion. Sure if I had been a farm suffering loss that's different. That's cut in assets but these were sent through to get to better things.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I don’t even know what to say. Words of comfort cannot come. I’m just so sorry.