Poka_Doodle's journal


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
Pictures from Moab Utah coming tomorrow, I promise. But I ran another marathon today. And for what it's worth, I just typed this up about the race.
Wow! Today was a day… the longest of my life. Let me see if I can remember the race I ran.
Honestly, I went into this with super low expectations. I knew my foot wasn’t a hundred percent. Or anywhere near it. I knew I had minimal training, which is so weird for me. But I also knew how long I have been training, and the time I had off was not significant. Somewhat resting for a couple weeks wasn’t going to harm me at all.
This race, another trail race, was really fun. I feel like I have accidentally become a trail runner, which has many perks including incredible people and incredible views. This one also happens to be the end of the crazy fall schedule I set for myself back in May, when I was resting.
The start this morning was in the dark, but getting to run with the sunrise was spectacular, and the views were incredible. I am interested in looking at my splits tomorrow, because I think I ran pretty consistent miles. It rained all night, and that couldn’t have been better for the race, wet sand was super easy.
Trail running is also incredible because of all the incredible people. I was so fortunate to run with and talk with some amazing people out on the trails, and that made the race pass quickly. Honestly, I don’t remember much of it. It is funny though, I was telling people about the racing I have done this year, and other runners, marathon runners, were telling me how crazy it is. Other people saying it is one thing, but other marathon runners is another thing.
I went in with just a goal of getting through the race, I didn’t think I would do better than my past races, or accomplish anything more exciting than the huge achievement of finishing my fifth marathon, and last of the fall batch. But particularly as the second half of the race moved on (I think I sped up) it became more and more possible that I might get a better time than some of my other races. And each time I did the math, I ran faster. I think mile 22 or something, might have been one of my fastest of the whole race. I set a goal, and I was going to do it.
I didn’t break down a ton during the race. Much less than my past trail races. Mile 24/25 might’ve been the only time I wanted to cry, I was so close but so far, and had so much pressure on myself for a stupid, made up, time. But I pushed through it, and blasted my favorite song into my ear as I got to the finish line.
Quick note, I successfully drove home afterwards, only took me nine hours. My car and I had some good times together the past two days.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I am interested in looking at my splits tomorrow, because I think I ran pretty consistent miles.
Can you get one of those watches that keeps track of such things?

Congratulations on the finish!! Waiting to see how your times came in relative to what you expected. My sister-in-law ran the Marine 50K on Sunday.


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
Can you get one of those watches that keeps track of such things?

Congratulations on the finish!! Waiting to see how your times came in relative to what you expected. My sister-in-law ran the Marine 50K on Sunday.
Thank you so much!
I run with an Apple Watch, it keeps track of my heart rate, and speed. Was super interesting looking through things, and learning that I ran the end of the race super fast. Definitely different from how I have done in the past, but I think I held myself back a bit at the beginning because I didn't trust things completely, and just coming off a 55k, wanted to take it easy. But in the second half, I felt good and realized I had less miles then I had in my last race, so I definitely pushed it a bit more.
Congrats to your sister-in-law, very impressive!