Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Cold 28 to start... sun is out and should warm into the low 60's...
Getting ready to go up and get truck to feed some hay, then head to work. Have not heard on the calf situation... thinking it might just be wiser to let her go dry since she did not have much udder... and get her uterus cleaned up... I am thinking she might wind up with an infection from the smell of things yesterday.... gave her a shot of lute and will give another in a week, see how she does to expel any more liquidy crap. Placenta did come out with the calf so at least that is not in there...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
but never did a thing about the huge pile/sheet of metal off the roof of the building and did not cover the building roof either... it is going to rain tonight... clouds were moving in by 5/6 pm.... and the da#@ed pile is still right at the gate for the calves... and there are pieces of the old asphalt tar paper and such all over...
He may have left it for the insurance adjuster to see. I think he could have taken pictures though.
I got the Presto Precise digital pressure canner.....

Set it & forget it is the biggest draw on electric, it seems.

That's the same one I've got - LOVE it. @Ridgetop has it as well.
Yes to all comments about the Presto digital electric canner. I used to hover over the stove watching the dial to make sure it did not drop down below the correct pressure. With this I can actually get some other stuff done once it is in canning mode. I will continue to use the water bath canner for tomatoes and fruit since that just entails boiling water, no pressure, and a short time in the canner. My only complaint on the electric canner is that it doesn't accommodate as many quarts as a regular canner. If I start doing as much canning as I used to do when the kids were small and I was feeding 6-8 people every day out of the garden, I might consider getting a second one. However, I already have two regular pressure canners so hate to make the purchase since it seems foolish to spend for another one. On the other hand, I have a glass top electric stove in Yantis and the glass top is not supposed to take the canner weight so . . . ? I suppose I could hook up the electric camp stove outside.

Too bad about the dead calf and loss of the steer. I agree with drying her up, luting her and giving antibiotics. Since it seems the calf was dead inside her for a while, her body may not be making milk. Big loss of money on the steer and calf but saving the cow and drying her up to breed back quickly sounds like a better idea.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Cow is all swollen up, but no signs of prolapse or anything. Called the vet too and he agreed with what I said to give her.... so DS got her in... she got antibiotics for infection, and was put over on the side where the creep gate is, and only calves come in.... so there are no bigger cows bullying her. She has very little udder, just going to dry her up and let her heal and hopefully breed back. She will get another round of antibiotics in 3 days... and hopefully it will take care of it. I will give her lute again in a week also to help the complete cleaning out situation.

Went and fed hay and then went to test. Stopped at the one goodwill there, and found a pair of jeans.... YAY.... Testing went okay... but I really did not want to be there... think I am reaching the "really ready to retire" stage....Just was an "off day" for me... everything went fine... just wasn't in the mood...

My "father/son" dairy called and it is their weekend to milk... wanted to do it Sat... or could wait 2 weeks... I said let's go on and do it, but wanted to do it Sat morning so I can be free Sat aft.....

Tomorrow morning is "take the cat down for spaying"... pick up tomorrow night... Got the cat carrier from Deb... and will pick up her tire for her trailer that she dropped off today to get fixed... went flat... and she took her truck down for the muffler... they had to order a left it.... ought to be done Tues aft or Wed... DS went and picked her up this afternoon since I was testing... so she is without a vehicle for a day or so. Ought to tell her to take the explorer home if she wants to....if the truck isn't done soon.

Time to go get a shower and go to bed so I can get up early enough to take cat down... then pick up tire on the way home... fill up with gas since it is cheaper up here than down near the dairy today... usually it is cheaper down there... and come home and pack samples.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Up early to take the "kitten" to get fixed... She actually meowed when I put her in the cat carrier and she never meows... I felt so bad for her, but no kittens is much better than having a bunch.... She will probably not let me get near her forever.... Oh well....
There were at least 15 cars there with people with animals to go get fixed... several with 2 dogs each... lots of cat carriers and a couple of live traps with feral cats in them... they were really Pi$$ed off..... didn't realize it was such a popular thing.... glad to see that there were so many that believe in being responsible animal owners.
Have to go back at 6 to get her from Transport van.

On the way back, went to the co-op to get tire for Deb that she dropped off... and there was one truck in line for the service station... so I got in line and got the oil changed and lube done while I was there; been about 4,000 miles, so due. Killed 2 birds with one stone...
Came home turned out the long haired cat, and the chickens and looked at some of the disaster in Baltimore where the ship hit the upright support and took most of the bridge down .... It is horrible... there was room for him to go through there with practically a ships' width on each side... so how in the he// he ever got so close to hit it ?????
How horrible...

34 to start, a cloudy, gray day. Not supposed to get rain before tonight but not going to be a very nice day either.

Another farm texted me and needs to test... Friday this week or Sat next week... I said I could not do Friday this week... I have the one already scheduled for Sat morning this week... not going to wear myself out on Friday night for the 250 cow herd.... So he said next Sat will work... This herd is one that I have to text 2 or 3 times to get an answer, so I didn't bother them about testing... all of a sudden they are getting to the end of their program... and it will go inactive after 120 days... and it gives the farmer a warning message on the screen when they get close to "timing out".... gives them an incentive to actually make it happen... I am not chasing after them anymore...
It will be a long day... set up 12 meters to start milking by 1:30.... and will be lucky to get done and out of there by 7 or so.... they are talking about building a robot barn and then I will not be testing them anymore..

Time to go in and pack the samples... been dwadling around and need to get something done.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well @murphysranch , you were right... she didn't hate me... Instructions said she could be fed (1/3 normal amount) what ever that is... so opened a can of their preferred flavor, opened the carrier, and she came right out and started eating... let me pet her.... so I picked up the carrier and left her alone. She came into the kitchen and got some water to drink... then went in the other room. Her brother had sniffed her over and then acted like okay, no big deal. The pain medicine they give them is supposed to be good for 72 hours... I will try to keep her in tomorrow if it is still rainy out... Said she was in early preg condition... which I figured since there had been male cats all around 2 weeks ago... Glad it is done. People that did the transport for the Angels of Assisi van were really nice... I am going to make a small donation to them, above what it cost, just because of the very pleasant and nice way they treated everyone and the animals. It was a very pleasant experience overall... and yes, they might have started out to be just "barn cats" but I have gotten quite attached to them... so I was a little worried. She seems to have done just fine. Dissolving stitches so no "have to come back"... list of things to watch for....

It was cloudy all day and started to sprinkle a bit around 3, got a bout of light rain, and then stopped a little bit ago. Going to be very spotty for tonight and tomorrow it says.

Going to have to get up and get going early again... Leaving at 7:10 or so, get Deb and take her to her truck as the muffler system is done... she has to work remote so wants to get there when they open and get , which I get. I have to work in the afternoon, and DS said the guy called from the parts place, he will call him back in the morning, and I may have to stop and pick up the new hub thing and all if he got it in... also want to leave early enough to go by the place that is the dealer for the greenworks mowers and such. I will call in the morning to see what their hours are and all that... and if they have one there to look at. I will be able to leave early to do that since I will not be making it work around taking Deb to get her truck on the way to work. This works out better.
Need to get the bottles in the trays for tomorrow.

Packed the samples from last night and dropped at UPS when I went down to get the cat. That worked out real good too...

Came home, took a seasoned fish filet out of the freezer, and baked that and had green beans with it too....

So, I will get a shower, and tomorrow get up and take Deb and then might just go to Sharp Shopper on the way back since I will be right near there... haven't been in a couple weeks... then come home and feed calves and leave early enough to do anything I want to on the way to test.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Kitty got fixed just in time. You will be a lot happier with her not having kittens twice a year. Unless it’s valuable breeding stock, pets should be neutered. I know you feel better, having that done and now she can just be a good pet. When you are able, you should have the male fixed too. Then he won’t be roaming, looking for a girlfriend.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
think I am reaching the "really ready to retire" stage....Just was an "off day" for me... everything went fine... just wasn't in the mood...

Yep!! Me, too. Just not in the mood. 🤣🤣 Often. And the uncooperative weather adds to it, it's always happening on "our" home days 😕 I find a job is more agreeable if I have some good "ME" time. 👍😁


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Today was a better day. 43 up to 59 but rainy in the morning and just mostly cloudy in the afternoon.

Got up, took Deb to get her truck.... since I was close, went to Sharp Shopper and spent some serious money but a good amount was for gatorade for DS.... and some more american cheese to go in the freezer (12.99 for 5 lbs of sliced, but not plastic wrapped slices)....and some hickory smoked ham slices that were frozen... Smithfield brand... out of date so that is why it was in the freezer section..... and 4 cases of canned cat food to get my stash replenished; in their favorite flavor and another flavor with gravy that they prefer...
I tried the ham this evening in a sandwich and it is pretty good... I am going to go back and get more... $.79 for a 1/2 pound.... all because of the date I am sure... well, once frozen that is a moot point... Also tried an "enhanced lemon flavored water" vitamins, ginseng, and it is pretty decent.. so will get more of that too... sometimes some of them are pretty yuk... but this one is decent so ought to be good for hot days and such...
Came home, unloaded my stuff, did chores... got the bottles in the trays.... DS said the guy had the parts, so I left to go through town... Called the place about the riding mower and they do not have one... but they were very nice and good to know that they do maintenance and repairs on many "small engine" type things. Suggested I try Lowe's as they did carry a more extensive line.... After what @Baymule wrote, I would hesitate to give TSC that big of a purchase.... I still would like to see one, but might just have to buy sight unseen.... it is still on special, online... but we are getting into the season....

So went by Dunkin D... got 2 smaller 2 gal, and 1 big 5 gal, bucket. went and picked up the parts. Stopped at the feed store and got another couple bags of feed for the calves on my way by..... Then went to the Poultry specialty company and got the slider door for the bottom of the 4 ton feed bin that I have asked DS for, for the last 2 years....he said waaaayyyy back he would make one for me as the old one just rusted out... they do when old feed has been left in the bins... this one had had feed left in it years ago when I bought it and the slider on the bottom was rough and finally just came apart with the constant opening and closing it.... and now that I have the twins, and possible more calves again... buying 50 lb bags is a PITA when this bin is sitting there and it is cheaper to get feed delivered and less waste with no bags to constantly deal with... just fill a couple buckets and keep in the forester.... He has said several times, yeah, mom, I need to make that piece... but, I am done with the waiting... I will try it in the slot tomorrow... They are pretty standard sized, but want to make sure it fits and can slide it... then I will just get them to deliver feed after the first of the month which will give me "another month" to pay for it... since it won't get billed until the end of April.... I had several bags of milk replacer and a protein tub, and several bags of feed on this last bill. The protein tubs will be on the bill due to come out the end of this month plus feed... Anyway.....

Got to the farm and had a little time, and then we milked/tested... it went good. This is the farm I got the 2 sets of twins from... we talked about all the crazy calf prices... they aren't keeping any of their bull calves right now either... said it just does not make sense to feed them when they are bringing $4-800.... and I totally agree... I had paid for the calves last time I tested... what he wanted and he wouldn't take more... but I gave him an extra $50 and told him to take his wife out to dinner as I sold the mixed set of twins and made money and still kept the heifers... and I appreciated it very much... and that when he got some he didn't want to take to the sale to let me know... and we laughed... he was telling me about pulling a dead calf, and the one they grafted on was 3 weeks and on milk replacer... and it scoured on the rich cow's milk and then got sick... pneumonia he thinks and it died....:th:rant:rant... then they had a new one born, and got the cow to take that one...said she has been a super good momma... first calf heifer no less... a beef cow... they run 100 head beef cows as well as milk 100 or so.... and that they will lose on her, this time, since hers was born dead, then the next one died... but she was a nice young cow and hopefully will raise this calf now, and she will breed back and do okay next year...

So got done, everything went good with the computer work... came home.... and dropped parts at the barn for DS on the way through... samples in the house to pack, chickens locked in... ate the ham sandwich.... and am going to bed in a little bit...

Chiropractor tomorrow, got to check the time... either 11 or 3 can't remember, calendar is in the car...

Only got .3 inch rain out of all that... thought we would get more... it stayed more east of us and stayed on the other side of the Blue Ridge Mtns all afternoon... we could use some more... but maybe they will get the rest of the field planted across the road tomorrow.... possible more rain on Easter...
The forecast is for wind to get gusty tomorrow so don't think I will try burning... :hit :hit:duc:duc. Not wet enough if it gets windy....

Bad news, cow that he pulled the calf from died... she might have gotten torn up inside from the malpresentation, who knows... I was a little concerned, but had hoped that she would pull through. Glad we did not spend a huge amount of money on a calf to try to graft on her... feel sorry for her but it is part of it... still more $$$ buried.
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